


年度盛事2015 Computex Taipei 即將再2015/06/02~06 日在台北舉行,主辦單位依例於展前一天舉辦國際記者會,同時頒發「台北國際電腦展創新設計獎」(COMPUTEX d&i awards)的獎項!

#gric #台灣熊 #iTMark #iT馬克 #COMPUTEX #2015 #TAIPEI, #記者會 #展場報導 #活動紀錄 #ICT #世貿展覽館 #南港展覽館 #TICC #國際會議中心 #論壇 #iOT #穿戴裝置 #3D應用P6010812




(^(T)^) 熊言熊語





在熊的展前觀察來講,不外乎圍繞在物聯網iOT、穿戴裝置、智慧家居、3D列印與應用、安全監控結合雲端呼應前面提到的智慧家居形成完整的產品群,當然基本的ICT主軸電腦部分則是USB 3.1特別受關注,平板、手機、智慧手錶間的合縱連橫相信也是大家注目的焦點。

參考文章:智慧家居安全監控時尚、美觀、迷你好選擇,隨意變動位置、戶外、生態錄影好設備,安裝簡單設定容易NETGEAR arlo無線雲端攝影機開箱!



參考文章:帶著華碩ZenFone 2旗艦ZE551M 4G RAM版遊日本看櫻花,紀錄旅遊拍美食開箱、功能體驗、效能實測分享!




依台灣熊在記者會後又去參加ASUS的展前記者會,其中明顯可以看見華碩在設計產品上的思維產生變化,由原先的工業技術、效能取向的硬實力,變更為生活應用與工業設計結合時尚的軟實力發展。記者會中ASUS ZenWatch也悄悄現身,有興趣可以參考台灣熊的另一則報導。




(^(T)^) MiT有新註解讓人會心一笑
















(^(T)^) 善用Computex APP逛展很方便


記者會中特別強調建議使用Computex app,所以台灣熊也特別是用了一下,發現今年的app確實又進步了,用起來較能符合不同的議題與習慣,所以善加利用可以讓整個觀展的節奏更加順暢與有效率!當然,這app也還有更貼心與成為觀展助理的進步空間,期待app團隊繼續加油!


方便大家利用與下載,2015 Computex Taipei app就直接掃描下面的QR CODE吧!
















利用影音專區也可以遠距餐與論壇及講座,所以這computex app大家可以多加利用!




(^(T)^) 以下為廠商發布新聞




6月1日,台北—由外貿協會及台北市電腦公會共同主辦之全球ICT產業年度盛會「台北國際電腦展」(COMPUTEX TAIPEI)將在明日6月2日登場,一連展出5天,本屆共有來自21國1,702家廠商使用5,072個攤位,聚焦3大主題亮點:智慧聯網、行動應用、雲端技術與服務。

指標大廠參展力挺 開創物聯新時代

本屆電腦展除了新增「智慧穿戴產品區」及「3D商業應用產品區」兩個新展區,也吸引多家知名廠商首度參展,包括全球處理器架構龍頭ARM、ASE Group(日月光集團)、日本NTT、SOCIONEXT、中國大陸Haier(海爾)、CANON Korea及美國半導體公司Cypress Semiconductor。


各種IoT裝置都須用到的半導體晶片,又被比喻為IoT的心臟,在本屆展覽中強勁跳動,Broadcom、Intel、MediaTek、NVIDIA、NXP、STMicroelectonics,以及首度參展的Cypress Semiconductor皆積極參與COMPUTEX,力拱COMPUTEX成為晶片大廠的年度風雲會。從上游晶片到終端產品,COMPUTEX完整串聯ICT產業鏈。

另NXP將特別設置NFC體驗區「New X Possibilities」,以便捷交通、安全交易、智慧生活三大主題,設計出多種無線通訊技術與安全連網裝置互動情境,讓參觀者實際體驗便捷、安全的智慧生活。

講師陣容星光熠熠 論壇話題延燒

年年叫好又叫座的COMPUTEX論壇活動,本屆再度邀請來自國內外菁英廠商的管理高層連袂演講。Acer創辦人暨榮譽董事長施振榮、MediaTek聯發科技副總經理暨首席行銷長Johan Lodenius、ARM行銷長暨市場開發執行副總裁Ian Drew、STMicroelectonics執行副總裁暨大中華與南亞區總裁François Guibert,以及NXP恩智浦半導體研發執行副總裁Hai Wang將登上電腦展高峰論壇舞台,以「雲端跨界.智慧物聯—軟硬整合關鍵下一步」為主題,暢談雲端物聯新時代裡決戰千里的軟硬整合趨勢。

CPX系列論壇─「智慧穿戴論壇」、「智慧城市論壇」及「雲端安全論壇」則邀集Acer、Alliander、ARM、Bosch、Broadcom、Ford、IBM、Intel、NVIDIA、NXP、Polar Electro、Qualcomm、Samsung、SAP、STMicroelectronics、Trend Micro等重量級企業高層,以及來自物聯網及雲端服務相關之軟硬體及各領域創新服務的國際級講師及主持人接力開講,其中Samsung自韓國總部首度派出高層主管於電腦展論壇擔任講師,每場論壇預先報名聽眾人數皆已突破千人。

Intel與Microsoft雙雄亦將於展覽期間辦理論壇,外界預期Intel將秀出更多採用14奈米製程的Broadwell系列處理器,並公布更多Skylake新平台的資訊;Microsoft則將與合作夥伴攜手展示Windows 10裝置及應用,強調不同裝置間無縫整合。

COMPUTEX d&i awards新創企業投入與大廠較勁

「台北國際電腦展創新設計獎」(COMPUTEX d&i awards)今年邁入第8屆,本屆共計118家國內外業者報名271件產品參賽,除了國內外廠商踴躍報名角逐外,今年更吸引以募資崛起的新創公司帶著創意研發加入角逐,顯示越來越多ICT業者將該獎項視為兵家必爭的榮譽。

由德國iF籌組之國際評審團嚴選出72件得獎產品,得獎者包括首次參賽就擒下獎項的Dell,以及Philips、宏達電(HTC)、Acer(宏碁)、Asus(華碩)、AIPTEK (天瀚)、Edimax(訊舟)、GIGABYTE(技嘉)等。得獎產品將於南港展覽館(攤位I0407)展出,得獎廠商於6月1日國際記者會中接受頒獎表揚,金質獎得獎名單則將於6月2日開幕典禮上公布,並由總統頒獎。



電腦展APP持續升級,iOS、Android及Windows Phone三種版本齊備、中英文兩種語言介面,加上展場室內定位導航及全新推出的推播功能,買主一機在手即掌握展覽重要訊息與活動通知,同時規劃最便捷的參觀路線。此外,搭配各展館WiFi設備升級,其中南港展覽館WiFi系統提供約1萬臺裝置同時上網,讓買主享受展期間隨時隨地可聯網,公務商機不斷線的極致便利性。



COMPUTEX TAIPEI – Your Smart Solutions

Opening a new galaxy of CLOUD, IoT and Mobile Applications

Taipei, June 1, 2015: Over the next five days COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2015 will re-invent the future by joining every facet ICT. Its four venues packed with 1,702 exhibitors and 5,072 booths to bridge makers with the markets. Themes of this show take up the big ICT issues, particularly Internet of things, Mobile Applications and Cloud Tech & Services.

The show organizers, Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) & Taipei Computer Association (TCA), added two new exhibition areas to meet the demands of wearable technology and 3D Business & Applications. Numerous world’s top makers such as ARM, ASE Group, NTT, Haier, SOCIO CANON Korea, and Cypress Semiconductor joined this year’s event for the first time.

Huge prospects beckon with the Internet of Things that’s emerging with smarter lifestyles. By 2020 more than US$1.9 trillion will be spent on 25 billion IoT devices, predicts Gartner, a leading info tech advisory group. That’s a key reason why more than 700 COMPUTEX exhibitors are focusing on IoT, Mobile Applications, and Cloud Technology and Services. Others are showcasing wearable tech, mobile devices, IOV, wireless communication and smart living.

The soaring growth in IoT tech brings heated demand for chips that have been developed for multiple applications. COMPUTEX TAIPEI is become the meeting hub for global chip makers such as Intel, MediaTek, Broadcom, NXP, ST Microelectronics, NVIDIA, AMD and Cypress Semiconductor.

Experience the “New X Possibilities” with NXP - Visitors can interact to experience simple transportation, secure payment and smart lifestyle thru NFC, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. Experience the convenience and safety of a smarter lifestyle and see how it can change our lives forever. Experience it all on the 4th Floor of Nangang Exhibition Hall.

Buying Power Doubles at COMPUTEX

TAITRA is expecting more than 38,000 international visitors during the 5-day show period. The big attraction will be the 1-on-1 procurement meetings that enhance buying power and connections. This year hundreds of international buyers are expected to join more than 2,200 1-on-1 procurement sessions, doubling the number from last year. And there are scores of buyer groups from China, Hong Kong, Romania, Vietnam, Nigeria and Bangladesh.

Top electronic chains and dealers have flown in for ICT procurement of the year. Such buyers include those from Best Buy, STAPLES, MA Labs, Toshiba and hundreds of others from lands just awakening to new tech.

COMPUTEX FORUMS Explore Smarter Life & Living

COMPUTEX TAIPEI SUMMIT FORUM – Computing without Parameters

The COMPUTEX TAIPEI SUMMIT FORUM features Stan Shih, CEO of Acer and Ian Drew, CMO of ARM, Johan Lodenius of MediaTek, François Guibert, EVP of STMicroelectronics and Hai Wang of NXP. They explore Computing without Parameters: IoT and the Cloud Software to Hardware – THE NEXT STEP. Hear from global thinkers and industry leaders on of the latest advancements in the ICT industry with exclusive market insights and unexplored opportunities.

Three CPX Industry Forums are completely booked:

Wearable Tech Forum/Smart City Forum/Cloud Security Forum

Get insiders from top execs from Qualcomm, Broadcom, Polar Electro, and Samsung to explore the latest wearable technologies. Visitors at the Smart City Forum can hear from specially invited executives of Alliander, Bosch, FORD, STMicroelectronics and TÜV Rheinland to profile the future. The Cloud Security Forum will join those from Fido Alliance, IBM, Intel, NVIDIA, NXP, SAP and Trend Micro. Registered attendees have already exceeded 1,000 for each forum.

During the show Intel and Microsoft will hold forums to showcase their Broadwell processors, new platform, Skylake, and Windows 10 devices.

Interact with COMPUTEX d&i awards Winning Products

This year’s 8th COMPUTEX d&i awards attracted 271 entries from 118 companies to vie for one of top honors in ICT. A total of 72 winning products were selected including Acer, ASUS, AIPTEK, ASROCK, Dell, Edimax, GIGABYTE, HTC, MSI, Philips, Silicon Power, Thermaltake, UNION GENIUS COMPUTER, Unitech and many other top brands.

For the first time, COMPUTEX d&i awards winning products are out of the glass cases into the open for interaction. Enjoy the latest innovations at Nangang Exhibition Hall, Booth # I0407.

COMPUTEX Quality Services

All visitors are the VIPs at the show. Wi-Fi has been upgraded by installing 312 access points in all exhibition halls. Visitors, especially international buyers will appreciate the convenience of FREE Wi-Fi with faster speeds and much more capacity.

COMPUTEX TAIPEI international visitors will receive RFID integrated badges. Not only do they offer FREE admission to all exhibition halls and forums, but they also let you swipe for 4-day unlimited FREE Metro rides (June 2-5).

The quickest shortcut through the show is the COMPUTEX TAIPEI app. The app is upgraded with dual languages: Chinese and English, events agenda, show maps, shuttle bus schedules and most importantly, the indoor navigation system. COMPUTEX TAIPEI is the one and only show offering indoor positioning and navigation system using iBeacon technology. Use it on the showground to locate exhibitors and to get there in the shortest time. In addition, the newly added pushing notification allows organizers to send messages to all app users. With this new function, visitors will not miss any important show news or exhibition events.

For more info on COMPUTEX TAIPEI:



為了方便使用ios行動裝置的網友看文,台灣熊生活誌app上線咯, 也請大家幫忙宣傳一下,感謝! (Android版 台灣熊生活誌 app 目前也在開發中…請期待! )



(^(T)^)  參考資料:


超輕巧75g可折疊便攜耐用防潑水的ALTEAM RFB937藍牙無線後掛式耳機麥克風開箱,還有日本賞櫻購物退稅資訊分享!



Netgear三頻無線Nighthawk x6 R8000 AC3200夜鷹旗艦開箱咯!智慧連結、智慧天線、智慧管理、智慧控頻,正體中文與動態QoS全球首曝,就要好用!

智慧家居安全監控時尚、美觀、迷你好選擇,隨意變動位置、戶外、生態錄影好設備,安裝簡單設定容易NETGEAR arlo無線雲端攝影機開箱!



具使用彈性,多變化與多網路介質應用,可以利用4G或3G當備援網路的Tenda 4G800 300M NAS無線路由器開箱實測,含無線網卡設定教學!

















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